Answered By: Maddy Newquist
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2024     Views: 2868

Kindle eBooks from OverDrive can be read on a Kindle or with the free Kindle app on another device. There are two methods:

  • Get Kindle eBooks using OverDrive
    This method is best for browsing and discovering titles because you can limit your search to just Kindle eBooks.
  • Get Kindle eBooks from the Catalog (see below)
    This method is best if you know exactly what you want.

Get Kindle eBooks from the Catalog:

  1. Go to the Catalog and find the title you want.
    Tip: After you search, choose Format and then Books on the left, and then select eBook. If you don't see any options on the left, first click the red Filter Results button.
  1. If the item is currently checked out, place a hold by clicking Place hold. Log in if prompted. Confirm that Kindle is an option. Click Place Hold
    If the item is available, click Check out. Log in if prompted.  

    The catalog entry for the eBook of The Myth of Surrender.
  2. Confirm that Kindle is an option and then click Check out.  

    Kindle format listed as an eBook option for The Myth of Surrender
Tip: If the Kindle format is not shown, you can read the book in a browser using OverDrive Read.


  1. After checking out the eBook, click Access this item. 

    The "Checked out" dropdown menu with the "Access this item" option selected.

  2. Choose Read now with Kindle.
    The "Access now" page, with "Read now with Kindle", "Read now in browser" and "Download EPUB ebook" buttons.
  3. Amazon will load in a new tab or window. Log in if prompted. Find Get Library Book on the right. Confirm the device to which you want the book delivered with the drop-down menu and then click Get Library Book.

    Screenshot showing the "Get library book" button  and the  "Deliver to" drop-down menu with device options.
  4. Your Kindle eBook will be delivered the next time your device syncs.


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