Answered By: Jessica Gonzales
Last Updated: Jan 19, 2024     Views: 2303

Most OverDrive items can be used without installing an app or other software on your computer or device. Simply use an up-to-date browser like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari. eBooks can be downloaded for offline use; audiobooks, videos and magazines require a constant internet connection.

Use OverDrive without an app

  1. Go to OverDrive and find a title:
    • Click the magnifying glass iconto search by title, author or topic.
    • Click Subjects or Collections to browse (first click the menu icon if needed).

    Check the banner above the item cover to see if it's available.

    Check the label below the item to see its type: eBook, Audiobook, or Magazine.

    The book Fates and Furies has a red banner at the top that says, "AVAILABLE." A note says, "This eBook is available to borrow now." Below the book jacket is a book icon with the label EBOOK.The book Daring Greatly shows a banner that says, "WAIT LIST." A note reads, "This Audiobook has a wait list. Place a hold to get in line for it." At the bottom of the book cover is a headphones icon and label that reads, "AUDIOBOOK."

     is for magazine issues.   
  2. For more details or a preview sample, click the item cover.
  3. Click Borrow. If the item has a wait list, you can place a hold to get in line. If prompted, sign in using your Library Card number and Password / PIN.

    Tip: You can have 10 checkouts and 7 holds in OverDrive at a time.  Magazines do not count toward your checkout limit and are always available.


  4. Choose Go to Loans, which appears in the place of Borrow.  If you do not see this, click the OverDrive loans icon, which looks like 3 books on a shelf to go to your Loans. Then locate the item and click the button next to the title to view it:
    Read in Browser button
    For eBooks and magazines
    Listen in Browser button
    For eAudiobooks
    For all items, pick up where you left off any time before the item expires by returning to your OverDrive Loans and clicking the button again.

Find specific formats

Not all items are available in all formats due to publisher restrictions. After searching or choosing a Collection or Subject, use filters to narrow your search (on the left on large screens, at the top on devices). When you click a format, your results will update to show only those formats.

Filter options with the following things circled: OverDrive Read under eBooks, OverDrive Listen audiobook under Audiobooks.

You can also use the Advanced Search. Under Formats, choose the format you want. Make other selections if desired and click Search.