Answered By: Katrin Abel Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024 Views: 7086
If you are not done with a book, TV series or other physical item before its due date, try to renew it for more time. Renewal is not always possible, usually because another person has a hold on it. See all reasons why an item cannot be renewed.
Tip: Eligible physical items will automatically renew at 5:00 AM on the day they are due without you having to take any action. This does not include items with holds or items that have reached their renewal limit of 2 times per checkout. A due today notification will go out at 6:00 AM for items that cannot be renewed. You can still manually renew items as well in all the ways listed below.
Items eligible for renewal...
- Can be renewed 2 times.
- Get 3 weeks each renewal, calculated from the date renewed.
- Can be checked out again immediately after 2 renewals if you bring it to one of our locations.
Renew by phone
Call Customer Service at 512-974-7475.
Renew online
- Log in to My APL: Checked Out.
- Click Renew next to the title you want to renew.
- To renew multiple items at once, check the boxes to the left of the titles that you want to renew. To renew all of them, check the box at the top:
- Click
If any items cannot be renewed, you will see the message Item not renewable. Items that can be renewed, however, will be successfully renewed.
Check your items carefully to see which have renewed and which have not.
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