Most OverDrive titles can be returned early. This can be accomplished through your My APL account on our website, from the OverDrive website, or via OverDrive's Libby app. You can return items before or after they have been downloaded.
From the APL website: Log in and go to your Checked Out page. You'll see a Return option under Download and Read in browser links.

From OverDrive in a browser: Log in and go to your bookshelf. From there you can select Return under the Read now in browser button.

From the Libby app: Click on the Shelf view in the bottom of the app, then tap Manage Loan on the item you would like to return. Then select Return Early from the pop-up menu.
Additional instructions can be found for specific situations by following the links below.
All titles auto-return at the end of the lending period. Learn how to change the lending period for future checkouts.