Answered By: Laurie Najjar
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025     Views: 1151

If you change your mind about a hold or are unable to pick it up when it's available, call Customer Service at 512-974-7475 to cancel it. Alternatively, you can cancel it online yourself. Available holds on physical items must be picked up or canceled within 10 calendar days of notification to avoid a $1 unclaimed fee.

Cancel holds online

  1. Go to My APL: On Hold.
  2. Log in if prompted.
  3. Find the hold you want to cancel and click Cancel hold. 

    Image of book on hold and options

  4. Confirm by clicking Yes, cancel hold.

Cancel hold completely removes the item from your account.

Pause hold temporarily freezes your place in line for unavailable items. Learn about pausing holds.