Please note that you are limited to 4 requests per month for our standard Suggest a Title feature. The Notify Me tag in Libby is another method to make us aware of content you would like to see. Through the Libby app or the desktop site, you can search for titles that the library does not own.
For titles that are not in APL’s collection, the Notify Me option is indicated with a yellow bell and the option to select Notify Me.
Key features of the Notify Me tag in Libby:
- You can add the Notify Me tag to titles that are not in APL's collection, including prerelease titles.
- You will receive a notification, through push notification and/or email, if APL acquires the title.
- Notify Me tags will not automatically place a hold on the title for you.
- There are no limits to the number of titles you can tag as Notify Me.