If a child has a Youth Card or a Student Card, the parent or guardian listed on the account can email Customer Service at circ.link@austintexas.gov to ask for a lost card number. To protect your privacy, we do not give out numbers over the phone or through chat. If you suspect you have permanently lost your Library Card, call Customer Service at 512-974-7475 so they can freeze your account. You are responsible for any unauthorized use of a lost or stolen card.
Have you registered with the catalog and know your username?
If so, you can look up your number in your account.
- Log into My APL: My Settings using your username and password.
- The default view shows your Library Card number as hidden. To reveal it, click display at the end of Barcode.
If your child does not have an Austin Public Library Card:
Please see the Youth Library Card information to learn how to apply for a new card. Library Cards and eCards are free for Austin residents. As of October 1, 2021, the non-resident fee will be waived for any student who is either enrolled in any school in or lives in Travis County - including private school, daycare, charter, and home school students - until completion of high school. See our Library Card page for additional information.