Answered By: Victoria Wayland
Last Updated: Jan 04, 2024     Views: 15707

No one can see your checkout or holds history—not even Library staff. The Library sees only current checkouts and holds, as well as items that incurred fines.

Items you add to Shelves and Lists are automatically private for new accounts, but settings may need to be updated to Library accounts made before June 2021. Also note that any catalog item you comment on, rate, tag or summarize is automatically added to your Completed Shelf. Learn how to check and change your settings below. 

My Shelves

To make items automatically private or public:

  1. Go to My APL: Privacy.
  2. Check the desired boxes and click Save Changes.

    All options are checked: Automatically mark newly added complete, in-progress and for-later items as private.


To check or change the privacy of individual items:

  1. Log in to My APL: My Shelves and go to the desired Shelf.
  2. Check to the right of the item's cover. A lock icon means it's private. No lock means it's public.

    Screenshot indicating the lock next to a title on your shelf that is marked private, and under that a book without a lock icon that is not marked private
  3. To change the status, click Add Details next to an item.

    Screenshot indicating "Manage Item" next to a book title on your shelf.
  4. At the bottom of the menu, check the box by Keep this item private so only you can see it, or uncheck it to make the item public.

    Screenshot showing a checked box next to "Keep this item private."

My Lists

  1. Log in to My APL: My Lists.
  2. Check to the right of the list name for its Visibility, which describes the privacy level of the list.

    Visibility levels for lists - People in your library, Anyone with the link, Everyone, only me
  3. If you want to increase or decrease the Visibility/Privacy of a list, click Edit text on red box at the end of the row after the list name.
  4. Go to the top right-hand corner of the editing page and click on Finished editing in white text on red rectangle.
  5. When the Ready to Publish window comes up, check your preferred privacy level for your list:

    Screenshot of List editing page for "Ready to Publish - Who can see your list? with privacy options
  6. Next, click Publish and your list privacy settings will be updated.