Answered By: Laurie Najjar
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2025     Views: 1377

Your hold, if not filled, will stay active for one year and then expire automatically. If a hold is filled, it will show as available on your My APL account and will be available at the pick-up location for 10 days. After 10 days, if the hold is not picked up or cancelled, it is returned to the shelf, and a $1 fee is charged to your account.

If you notice that the item you have a hold on has been marked MISSING in the catalog, you may want to cancel the hold or call Customer Service (512-974-7475) to remove it for you. Staff members will search for MISSING items periodically, but if there are no other copies, you may want to take advantage of the Suggest a Title option if you are still interested in that title so that we can consider ordering another copy.